Did you get a chance to try out our new Barre class? Or, did you recently purchase our very successful Living Social deal? If so, you’ll be happy to know that we are now accepting online appointments for Barre classes. Two ways:
Reserve your spot on our website.
Try out the appointment tool on Facebook!
We are currently offering classes at East Shore Athletic Club – Park West location. However, due to the demand of Barre, we may be expanding our services with additional class times and locations. Keep checking our blog for the latest updates.
Current Schedule:
M & W 8:30 am
Th 7:15 pm
Fr 5:45 am & 4 pm
Sa 8 am
Since summer schedules can be hard on everyone, we want to hear from you. Which additional class times would you prefer?
M or W 7:00 a.m.
M or W 5:30 p.m.
Tu or Th 10:00 a.m.
Sa 10:30 am.
Comment on this post and let us know! Thanks for your input.